Happy Birthday, Tac Daddy Live!
Our friends from the TacDaddy Live crew celebrated a milestone last night with the 1-year anniversary of their Thursday night live gun-chat show. Big congratulations to Kevin, Spectre, Glock Brothers, Fidelis Patriot, Reichro and all the guests that have been on the show and made it what it is and helped to grow the show over the past year.
If you’re looking for something to do on a Thursday night, head over to the TacDaddy YouTube channel at 9PM Eastern to join in live. If you can’t make it to the live show, all of the shows are archive on his channel and you can join the discussion on the TacDaddy board on the GunLink Forums.
Be aware though, TacDaddy videos are probably rated PG-13 for language and might be NSFW.