Are You Ready? Preparedness Month is Here.

National Preparedness Month“Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare”

September is National Preparedness Month (NPM).  For many people, when they hear about “preppers” or “prepping,” the first thing to come to mind might not be so glamorous – maybe a doomsday fanatic hiding in their secret bunker with enough gear to outfit an army against hordes of roaming zombies or gangs of post-apocalypse thugs.

Popular media certainly does their part to further that stereotype, which can turn some people off from the idea of prepping and make starting a conversation on the topic difficult.  However, most preparedness activities are much simpler than that.  Forward-thinkers can take their prepping as far as they want – which could very well be a well-stocked secret bunker – but preparedness can be quite basic and start with small, easy steps.  Something as basic as keeping a few days worth of food on hand, agreeing on a location to meet up (or simply communicate) with your family in the event of a disaster, or knowing what to do in an active shooter situation could save your life.

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Advertisement’s National Preparedness Month website has a number of resources on how you can be prepared for a disaster, ways to get involved, how to create a readiness kit (e.g. a “bug out bag,” “go bag,” or “get home bag”), and more.  You can find out about and take part in preparedness month activities by visiting America’s PrepareAthon.

FEMA isn’t the only big organization taking part.  The Red Cross NPM site has links to download preparedness apps for your smartphone as well as tips to create a disaster plan and build a readiness kit.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also offers a number of resources and tips for staying prepared.  The National Weather Service NPM site has resources to help mitigate the risk posed by severe weather.

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While National Preparedness Month is a great reminder to be prepared and an easy way to start the conversation with your friends, family and co-workers, it should not end there.  Keep the conversation going year round by conducting family drills, going over plans, maintaining your supplies and visiting the Training, Survival and Prepping board on the GunLink Forums.


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