Armed Citizen: CCW Permit Holder Stops Meth-Addled Carjacker
A man who was high on meth attempted to carjack three different vehicles in Clay County, Ind. before being stopped by a Right-to-Carry permit holder.
First, the meth user attempted to gain access to a woman’s car, after which she used cell-phone to alert police. When this failed, the carjacker attempted to enter a vehicle holding three children. The criminal then stuck his hand through the passenger’s window of a third vehicle and attempted to unlock the door. The passenger sitting in the car, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, responded by retrieving a gun and leveling it at the carjacker, prompting the criminal to flee.
Police later captured the meth user at a nearby hotel. (The Brazil Times, Brazil, Ind. 02/09/15)
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