Armed Citizen: Homeowner Repels Pair of Violent Home Invaders
A homeowner in Tomball, Texas was asleep in his house when a pair of armed criminals kicked in the front door. The homeowner awoke, retrieved a gun and went to investigate. The homeowner encountered the intruders while at the top of the home’s stairs, and fired at them. The home invaders returned fire, but eventually fled the scene. Police believe no one was injured during the incident.
Between the homeowner and intruders, at least 30 shots were fired. The amount of firepower required to repel this home invasion illustrates the dangers to law abiding citizens posed by arbitrary restrictions on magazine capacity. (KHOU, Houston, Texas 01/26/15, KPRC, Houston, Texas 01/26/15)
See more stories of how responsible owners have used their firearms to protect themselves at NRA-ILA Armed Citizen.