
New Online Series for Real World Gun Owners

Tac Daddy LIFE Launches

tacDaddy LogoOur friends from the Tac Daddy Crew have launched an online series for real world gun owners called Tac Daddy LIFE.  The new lifestyle gun show complements the live Thursday night show on the Tac Daddy YouTube channel.

As much fun as it is to watch videos about high end, ultra-expensive firearms that are unattainable for most and tactical gear or training that might not be practical for the average gun owner, viewers are seeking out content that is more relevant to their lives.  This is evidenced by the growing popularity of shows like NRA Freestyle’s NOIR, gun and gear reviews from regular people and, now, Tac Daddy LIFE.

The first episode is available now on Tac Daddy’s YouTube channel and below.  Join the discussion about the new series. Continue reading

NOIR Episode 5: Respect The Heritage

NOIR_SM_EP5_403The fifth episode of NRA Freestyle’s NOIR with Mr. Colion Noir and Amy Robbins is now up.

Say what you want about guns, but you can’t deny the role firearms have played in our country’s history.  In NOIR Episode 5 “Respect the Heritage” Colion and Amy honor the evolution of guns and their impact as the “lifeblood of our country.”

Watch the full episode below, check out to watch new episodes live on Sunday nights and come back right here on the GunLink Blog to watch new episodes any time.

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NOIR Episode 4: Why We Shoot

NOIR Why We ShootEpisode 4 of NRA Freestyle’s NOIR, Why We Shoot, is now available.

In this episode, Colion and Amy discuss music, shooting activities outside of the range, and the meaning behind owning certain guns to prove shooting is an experience.  Watch the full episode below.

New episodes will be available every Sunday at 8 pm Eastern on

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NOIR Episode 3 – The Truth About NOIR

The third installment of NRA Freestyle’s NOIR, The Truth about NOIR, is out.  Finally, learn the truth about NOIR. Colion and Amy open up about how they became gun owners, and address the misconceptions about the “gun world.”

New episodes will be available every Sunday at 8 pm Eastern on

NRA Freestyle’s NOIR Episode 2 – Colorways and Gun Culture

Episode 2 of NRA Freestyle’s NOIR with Mr. Colion Noir and Amy Robbins is now available.  On this episode of NOIR, Colion and Amy address some criticism the show’s first episode received from the mainstream media and discuss the ideal experience when shopping for a gun.

Check out Noir Episode w, “Colorways and Gun Culture,” below. New episodes will be available every Sunday at 8 pm Eastern on

NRA and Colion Noir Bring New Show to Online Viewers

If you are a firearms enthusiast, social media user or some combination of the two, you are likely familiar with Mr. Colion Noir from his YouTube channel rife with snappy, well-stated commentary on guns and gun rights.  If you are not familiar with him, now is the perfect time for an introduction.  The self-proclaimed “firearms aficionado, concealed carrier, gun reviewer, budding attorney” has teamed up with NRA Freestyle as of late in a new online talk show sponsored by Mossberg and co-hosetd by Amy Robbins.

Check out Noir Episode 1, “Start Here,” below.  New episodes will be available every Sunday at 8 pm Eastern on





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