open carry

Cam & Co Interview – Chris W. Cox: NRA “Unequivocally” Supports Open Carry

Chris Cox went on Cam & Co. for an interview to talk about open carry in the wake of heat that they are taking over a previous response to Texas demonstrations.  He also addresses the failure of gun control in California and discusses other Second Amendment issues of the day.


Texas Open Carry Leaders Issue Statement

Leaders of several open carry advocacy groups have issued a statement on the heels of Chipotle’s decision to ask customers to not bring firearms into their restaurant:

Come and Take It Texas, Texas Carry, Gun Rights Across America, and Open Carry Texas Joint Statement on open carry of Long Arms

Over the past year, our members have done what no other gun rights organization has been able to do – put open carry at the forefront of the fight to restore gun rights for all Texans. As we have grown, we have had to adjust our efforts based on lessons learned through hundreds of open carry events, big and small.

Looking back, it has become clear that there is one area in which we have gotten the most resistance and suffered the largest setbacks. Open carry of long arms into private businesses. This is not a new phenomenon Continue reading

More No-Gun-Zone Backlash: Open Carry Events Going Too Far?

No Guns & Coffee.  Or Burritos.

No Guns AllowedIt is a story that we have seen play out before, most notably at Starbucks but also at numerous other businesses.  Like Starbucks, Chipotle has largely deferred to the law of the land when it came to carrying firearms in their restaurants – if not prohibited by law, the stores would generally not put a specific policy in place to ban the practice.  And, like Starbucks, some patrons took things a bit far.  Now, after a push from anti-gun zealots “Moms Demand Action,” Chipotle restaurants are asking customers to leave their guns at home… just like Starbucks.

It starts out ordinarily enough.  People who choose to carry a firearm simply have another business which they could patronize without having to change their carry habits or unnecessarily handle their firearms un-holstering and re-holstering just to grab lunch.  Once word spreads that the business is “firearms friendly” certain people start making a bigger deal out of it; purposefully drawing attention to their sidearms, taking selfies or pictures of each other with their firearms in the store.  Then come the celebrations – the Second Amendment rallies where a crowd of people with long guns slung across their shoulders, signs raised above their heads and then… #hashtags.  #LookIHaveAGunInThisRestaurant.

All of this is almost immediately followed by the predictable outcome:  the restaurant simply disallows firearms at their business.

And that is exactly what Chipotle did with a statement today: Continue reading

February 8 Rally to Spread Second Amendment Message Nationwide

Feb 8, 2013 Second Amendment RallyWe first heard about the nationwide Second Amendment rally through a flyer that someone gave us at SHOT Show 2013 and now word of the rally is spreading like wildfire with more than 13,000 Facebook users confirming their attendance.

Nationwide 2nd Amendment Rally
Friday, February 8, 2013 – 10AM
At YOUR capitol building

The peaceful protest is slated to take place at every state capitol across the country on Friday, the eighth of February at 10AM at each state’s respective capitol building, although we have heard buzz that some locations have had to reschedule for various reasons (e.g. Maryland moved to February 6).

Keep spreading the word so that all Second Amendment advocates have the opportunity to attend.  We’ve started a thread for the event on the GunLink Forums for users to discuss the event, arrange transportation, share information, pictures and more.

BREAKING: Streets Continue to NOT Run Red With Blood in Open Carry States

When Oklahoma’s open carry law went into effect earlier this month they became the 15th state to allow licensed gun owners to openly carry firearms.  Nearly 30 more states permit anyone not prohibited from owning a weapon to openly carry a firearm.  Oklahoma’s new law pushed the open carry movement back into the news and you won’t believe what is happening in those states with laws harkening back to the Wild West…


Nothing out of the ordinary, anyway.  The streets aren’t running red with blood (unlike in Chicago – where guns are nearly impossible to get, let alone carry – which is averaging roughly 42 murders per month).  We aren’t seeing shootouts in the streets (unless you count New York – where, again, firearms are difficult to legally obtain. Carry permits? Fuggedaboutit! – where police unleash a hail of gunfire on innocent citizens who happen to be standing behind a bad guy).  The biggest change will likely be increased 911 call volume to report a MWAG (man with a gun).

What else is business-as-usual?  The consternation and hand-wringing from the hoplophobes worried about someone so lowly as a mere subject – er, citizen – carrying a firearm. Continue reading





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