Springfield Armory’s 10,000 Round Hellcat Test

The Hellcat from Springfield Armory has proven its mettle in a grueling 10,000-round test, showing that the EDC innovator not only has the features to make it the best on the market, but also the durability to outlast all the competition.

With support from Federal Ammunition and Action Targets, Off the Reservation’s Clay Martin put the Hellcat through this challenging test over the span of two days. Martin brought a wealth of firearms expertise to bear during the test, from his background as a competitive shooter as well as his time in both the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army, retiring as a Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant from 3rd SFG (A).

From its release on 9/25/19, the Hellcat has quickly built a reputation for excellent quality and performance, and represents a new direction for Springfield Armory polymer pistols. Being the smallest high-capacity 9mm in the world, the +P-capable pistol packs in 11+1 rounds (13+1 with extended magazine) in a 3″-barreled micro pistol that weighs around 18 ounces empty. And with the OSP version, you gain the ability to direct mount micro-sized red dot optics.

“When we learned of Martin’s test, we were excited about seeing the Hellcat prove what it could do,” says Steve Kramer, Vice President of Marketing with Springfield Armory. “When a micro-sized pistol designed for concealed carry bests a test more appropriate for full-sized duty pistols, it allows the quality of the product speak for itself,” he continued.  

As with all of Springfield Armory’s products, quality is priority one with the Hellcat. From its cold hammer-forged barrel down to every last pin and spring, the pistol is built under strict quality control to the highest standards. (To learn more about this, see the “Legacy of Discipline” video here).

“While a test like this is extremely demanding for a micro-sized pistol intended for CCW, we never doubted the Hellcat would come out on top,” says Dennis Reese, CEO of Springfield Armory. “Quality is our number one priority, and it always will be,” he continued.

To see the test for yourself, visit https://www.thearmorylife.com/hellcat-kills-10k-rounds/.


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