U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Seeks Comments on Firearm Possession Revision

Last week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) published an announcement to seek public comment on a proposed revision to an existing regulation governing the possession and transportation of firearms and other sporting equipment at USACE managed projects and locations.

Currently, sportsmen and women are prohibited from possessing firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment on USACE managed lands and waters unless the equipment is unloaded during transportation to hunting and fishing sites, in possession at authorized shooting ranges, or written permission has been received from a USACE District Commander. As such, sportsmen and women may not possess such equipment for personal protection while participating in outdoor recreation activities unless they have received written permission.

This proposed revision will eliminate the requirement to obtain written permission to carry a firearm and other equipment on USACE projects, which will strengthen the ability of sportsmen and women to safely participate in hunting and fishing on federal lands and waters. Furthermore, the proposal will also align USACE’s regulations to be more consistent with other federal land management agencies as well as state and local regulations regarding the possession for firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment.

The public comment closes on June 12.


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