
Branco: Revealing – The Left’s “Common Sense” Gun Law Goals

We all know what they mean by “common sense gun laws.”

Repeal Revealed – A.F. Branco

Branco: Same Left Strategy, Different Day

“The Left can’t let a mass murder go to waste, and immediately move to exploit the tragedy in Los Vegas.” Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco

Bloody Luck – A.F. Branco

Branco: Shut Up and Conform – Social Media’s Shadow Bans

“Project Veritas with their hidden camera has busted social media giant twitter for shadow banning conservatives views.” – AFB

Shut Up and Conform – A.F. Branco

Branco: Flak News – Open Fire on Trump SCOTUS Pick

“Open Fire”

Flak News – A.F. Branco

Branco: Out of Left Field

Notice a trend?  It reminds me of a conversation from the series Justified where Chief Deputy Mullen tells US Marshall Raylan Givens “You see, ten days ago you shot a man in Miami. Put it like this: you were in the first grade; bit a kid every week? They’d start to think of you as a biter.


A.F. Branco – A Radical Liberal Terrorist “James Hodgkinson, a radical liberal terrorist and Bernie sanders supporter, shoots Republicans during baseball practice.”

Branco: DNC Political Hitman

“The media have become political assassins for the democrat party out to destroy Trump, conservatives, and anyone who support them.”


A.F. Branco – Democrat Political Assassins





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