CMP Releases Details on 1911 Pistols
Prices, Purchase Procedures, and More
While the National Defense Authorization Act granted transfer of a maximum of 10,000 1911s per year to the CMP, the Secretary of the Army allowed only 8,000 1911s to be transferred to the CMP for sale and distribution this fiscal year. Some of those are anticipated to be unusual and worthy of being auctioned. The remaining number will be sold based on a computerized Random Number Generator.
The CMP does not know what next year’s allotment might be.
Procedures for Purchasing 1911 Type Pistols from CMP 1911
Every applicant will be treated as a new customer to CMP.
Previous purchases or relationships with CMP create no advantage or disadvantage to the customer.
CMP 1911 is an FFL governed operation and is a separate entity from CMP and has its own record keeping operation with no ties to the existing CMP records.
PLEASE DO NOT CALL, LEAVE MESSAGES OR EMAIL THE CMP 1911 CUSTOMER SERVICE/SALES DEPARTMENT (which will be functional 4 June 2018) NOR THE CMP CUSTOMER SERVICE/SALES DEPARTMENT. They have no further information at this time. However, all ordering information will be included in the 1911 packet posted 4 June 2018. The information contained in the packet should answer ALL QUESTIONS regarding the ordering process. ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BEFORE 4 SEPTEMBER 2018. ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE THAT DATE WILL BE DESTROYED.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.
CMP1911 Customer Purchase Details
- CMP 1911 order form packet will be posted on the CMP website on 4 June 2018 for download – click on CMP 1911 icon.
- CMP 1911 customer service number is 256-835-8455 extension 461. (This number is non operational until June 4, 2018)
- CMP 1911 customer service email address (Please do not email questions about the ordering process until the order packet is posted June 4, 2018. All information needed to order a CMP 1911 is in the order packet.)
- Only ONE CMP 1911 order form packet per customer may be submitted.
- CMP 1911 order form packet must be mailed to the following address. This includes USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, etc. Orders must be postmarked NOT PRIOR TO 4 September 2018 and NOT AFTER 4 October 2018. Any orders received postmarked prior to September 4 will not be accepted. Hand delivered, emailed and faxed orders will not be accepted. Only orders sent to the following CMP 1911 address will be accepted:
CMP 1911
1800 Roberts Drive
Anniston, AL 36207 - Customer names from complete CMP 1911 order form packets will be fed into a computerized Random Number Generator on 5 October 2018. The Random Number Generator will provide a list of names in sequential order through the random picking process. Customers will be contacted in the sequence provided by the Random Number Generator. The CMP 1911 customers will select their grade of pistol (Service, Field or Rack) from available inventory at the time of order notification. Customers with higher numbers may have fewer grades from which to choose. When this year’s allotment of 1911s is exhausted, the remaining orders will be held in the existing sequence for all future allotments of 1911s. The CMP does not know what future allotments might be.
CMP Sales of 1911s One Step Closer With House Passage of 2018 NDAA
On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018. Included in the bill is a provision that would make U.S. Army surplus 1911 .45 ACP pistols available to the American public through the Civilian Marksmanship program (CMP).
In November of 2015, then-President Obama signed the NDAA for Fiscal year 2016 into law with language that authorized the Secretary of Defense to transfer 1911s no longer in service to the CMP for public sale. That language made the transfers subject to the Secretary’s discretion and capped them at 10,000 per year. Unsurprisingly, no actual transfers were made under the program while Obama remained in the White House.
This year’s language, however, would effectively make the transfers mandatory and would remove the yearly cap. Currently, the military has some 100,000 excess 1911s sitting in storage at taxpayer expense. Transfer of these historically-significant firearms would ease a burden on the government’s heavily indebted balance sheet and help preserve important artifacts from the era when the U.S. military defended Western Civilization from worldwide fascism and aggressive Communist expansion.
The CMP’s sales of 1911s would be treated as other retail sales under the federal Gun Control Act, including the attendant background checks and point of sale record keeping. The design of the pistols dates back to the late 19th Century, and they come equipped with a seven-round magazine. One would think this would render the sales harmless in the eyes of the “reasonable gun safety regulation” crowd, but we’re not holding our breath.
The NRA thanks House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) for their steadfast support of this important provision.
Upon completion of the Senate NDAA, the House and Senate will convene a conference committee to resolve the differences in their bills. If you would like to see 1911 sales return to the CMP, please contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and urge them to keep the House language on this matter intact in the final bill they send to the president. You can contact Senators and Representative at 202-225-3121.
2014 NRA National Matches Scheduled for July 6 Through Mid-August
“World Series of Shooting” Returns to Camp Perry
The National Rifle & Pistol Championships, AKA The National Matches, is a shooting tradition that has been around since 1903 and has been hosted at Camp Perry, Ohio, for 107 of those 111 years. That tradition continues this summer as the 2014 National matches – conducted jointly by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), NRA and Ohio National Guard – return starting July 6.
During the event, the nation’s top civilian and military marksmen will face off in various categories of competition. The National Matches include the CMP National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches, the Pistol and Rifle Small Arms Firing Schools, CMP Games rifle events and the NRA National Pistol, Smallbore Rifle and Highpower Rifle Championships.
Things kick off with the Junior Small Bore Rifle Camp, continuing with various banquets, pistol and rifle championship matches and awards ceremonies, all wrapping up in the second week of August. The full calendar is available online and additional information is available on the NRA Competitive Shooting website.
Online registration for the National Matches is available here. If you won’t be shooting but you would still like to get involved with the 2014 National Matches, the application to volunteer is available here.