Branco: Revealing – The Left’s “Common Sense” Gun Law Goals
We all know what they mean by “common sense gun laws.”
Branco: MSM Has Fingers Wedged in Hillary Clinton’s Cracks
Liberal “mainstream media” appear to be a modern-day version of Hans Brinker’s Hero of Haarlem. Drip, drip, drip.
A.F. Branco: Damn! Put a plug in it. Wikileaks exposes Hillary Corruption.
Gun Salesman of the Year Award
Gun Salesman of the Year – Eight Consecutive Years!
Time may tell, but it may end up being Gun Salesman of the Century. How many NICS check records have been set and then broken under this administrations constant attacks on gun rights?
Great Guns – And who is responsible for this big boom in gun sales?
Branco: Democrats for Gun Rights
Like clockwork, as election time approaches candidates – including proven anti-gunners – trot out their gun rights rhetoric. From obama holding a smoking shotgun to US Senate hopeful democrat Alison Grimes hoping to unseat Republican leader Mitch McConnell by holding a rifle, candidates are trying to coax gun owners to their side.
We’re not sure who is supposed to fall for these tactics but, election cycle after election cycle, they continue to show themselves holding firearms while bandying about their NRA membership (like that’s some big feat – NRA memberships are a mere $25 a year here).
A.F. Branco isn’t falling for it, as he shows in his Democrats for Gun Rights cartoon: