Honor Defense Announces New Polished Stainless-Steel Chassis

Honor Defense is pleased to introduce a significant update for their pistols. In addition to the recently announced “Lifetime Warranty”, the pistols will now feature a polished stainless-steel chassis.

“We are very proud of producing the finest single-stack 9mm in America. Honor Defense pistols now feature a polished stainless-steel chassis. This chassis can be coupled with 3 different grip configurations, 2-barrel lengths and 10 different color grips. Honor Defense represents the ultimate all-American and modular pistol.” says Gary Ramey, President of Honor Defense.

“Honor Defense pistols were tested by Gun Tests Magazine and proven more accurate than the G43, Shield and the PPQ.” Most importantly, we are 100% American with every pistol assembled by Veterans”. Ramey added.

Mike Carr, VP of Sales added “Our quality differences are significant. We use stainless steel while competitors use plastic for key parts and we are ambidextrous. Our grip is considered the most comfortable and we cover you with a Lifetime Warranty”. This is why Honor Defense has quickly grown from the smallest semi-auto company in America (roughly #596) to “Top 25” semi-auto
brand within 2 years.

All models are equipped with custom textured grip, two backstraps, two magazines, snag-free sights and available with or without a manual thumb safety. In addition, no tools or pulling the trigger are needed for dis-assembly. For more information on Honor Defense, go to www.honordefense.com or follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HonorDefense/.

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