GunLink Giveaway: FREE 6-Month Subscription to Firearms Guide Online!
As we have previously told our readers about, firearm mega-reference Firearms Guide made the jump from a DVD-based guide to an online cloud-based firearms reference guide with cross-platform compatibility. Already since then, the Firearms Guide has been making good on their promise to provide more frequent updates to the guide.
The Firearms Guide Online is a great reference that offers high-res photos, specifications, and blow-up diagrams of tens of thousands of firearms and we want to help share the guide with by giving out some FREE 6-Month Subscriptions to Firearms Guide Online!
Use the widget above to enter in a variety of ways:
- One entry for following @GunLink on Twitter
- One entry for following @FirearmsGuide on Twitter
- One entry for Visit & Like GunLink on Facebook
- One entry for commenting on this post about why you want the prize
- One entry per day for tweeting giveaway message
- Five entries for posting in the giveaway forum thread
We will give away two subscriptions this time around, with more to come shortly. Stay tuned!
Shot-Force Pro Brings Innovation to AR500 Targets
Several members of the GunLink team have spent at least some portion of their lives in southern Ohio, so the area has a place in our hearts. Although most of us have since spread throughout the country, we were happy to discover Nelsonville-based Shot-Force Pro while wandering the SHOT Show dungeon this past January. It is always nice to run in to someone from “back home” when travelling.
In addition to catching up on Ohio news and being introduced to company founder Steve Davis and his team while visiting their booth in Las Vegas, we were also introduced to some of their innovative targets. On a recent trip back to our old AO, we had the opportunity to stop by and visit the Shot Force facility and see where the magic happens. While there, we also got to put rounds on just about every kind of target that they currently produce as well as getting a behind the scenes look at some of the new target systems that are still in the R&D phase.
After a lively discussion on guns and politics, we got to take a look at the Shot Force production area, including stacks upon stacks of hardened steel plates, the plasma cutting table that transforms them from generic plates into their various shapes, and finished products – clad in brightly colored powder coating – waiting to be shipped out. Continue reading
Celebrate Independence
Are you ready for the Fourth of July? Share how you will be spending your Independence Day in the comments below.
Amateur Radio Special Event Commemorates NRA’s 144th Birthday
Radio Amateurs Celebrate Second Amendment with On-Air Meetup
The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) of Prescott, AZ, will operate a special event station November 17, 2015, from 10 AM to 7PM EST (1500Z -2400Z) in celebration of the NRA’s 144th birthday.
The special event station will operate from Gunsite Academy’s 2,000-acre campus in Paulden, AZ, north of Prescott with a special event call sign will be K7NRA. Operations will be conducted on 7.250, 14.040, 14.250 and 21.335 MHz. All amateur stations, especially those operated by NRA members and Gunsite alumni, are urged to participate. Click here to sign up or renew your NRA membership today and save $10 on dues.
A special certificate will be awarded to those stations making contact during the event. Additional details and QSL information is available on the YARC event page and on p92 of the November issue of American Rifleman.
see also Adding a HAM, CB or other radio to your preps – GunLink Forums
Q&A with Stars of CMT’s Guntucky
We had a chance for a quick Q&A session with some of the stars from CMT’s Guntucky. The reality series, gearing up to start their second season, focuses on the Sumner family as they run Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky KCR, of course, is home to the bi-annual machine gun shoot, an event that showcases some serious firepower and was featured in season one. If you missed season one, you can watch and discuss full episodes on the GunLink forums here.
The 10-episode season one featured 30-minute episodes that included some pretty zany antics including exploding log cabins, Zombie Apocalypse preparations, a doomsday-ready SUV and a firearms crash course for the firearms first-timer boyfriend of Stephanie Sumner… from her dad!
Kenny Sumner, co-owner of the range, and his brother Steven answered some questions for GunLink: Continue reading