Brady Campaign to Gun Control Supporters: “Listen, Dummies”
Last January, National Review Editor Rich Lowry joined a host of others in denouncing Barack Obama’s use of elementary school children at a press conference to unveil his gun control agenda, calling the spectacle “stupidly exploitative” and “infantile.” A newly-released ad from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, however, suggests some in the anti-gun community have perversely taken that criticism as a challenge. With the new ad, the Brady Campaign seems intent on taking the tone of anti-gun arguments from the school yard to the nursery.
Aptly titled “Gun Laws for Dummies,” the video features an armed cartoon “bad guy” (one suggestive of the popular Angry Birds franchise) wreaking havoc on his illustrated community, using a privately-acquired firearm to break one character’s vacuum and pop another’s balloons. Brady also uses the ad as an opportunity to repeat the invalid statistic that 40 percent of gun sales occur in private transactions and to portray members of Congress as corrupt and rooting for the “bad guys.” As if this all weren’t creepy enough, it also includes narration by what sounds like a preschooler, who suggests that keeping firearms from the unlawful by enacting more laws should be “easy peasy.”
The ad was released as part of a new push to criminalize all private firearms transfers. This move coincides with the 20th anniversary of the passage of the Brady Law. The Brady Campaign’s proposed expansion of federal background checks would force even many family and friends to get government permission for firearm transfers amongst each other and subject all lawful gun transfers to federal paperwork and recordkeeping requirements, the prerequisites for a national registry. Continue reading