
September 11th Attacks: 15 Years Later

BrancoRemember911It really does not seem like it has been a decade and a half since 19 savages hijacked four airplanes and used them to murder nearly 3,000 innocent Americans, injure 6,000 more, and cause lingering physical health issues for an estimated 18,000 more in addition to the mental and emotional hurt that the attacks caused for all Americans and our friends around the world.

It is hard to believe that there are now people who are old enough to drive or go see a dirty movie who weren’t even born yet when the towers fell, or when the seat of our national defense was struck, or when a handful of brave Americans made the monumentally difficult decision to sacrifice their own lives and the lives of a comparatively small number of others to prevent more inevitably massive casualties.

I am actually writing this piece more than a month in advance of the 15th anniversary of the attacks and, even as I do, I possess a mix of sadness, anger, and deep, intensely burning hatred for the enemy who struck a blow on America that day.  The same enemy who continues to strike similar blows on a smaller scale around the world and, indeed, right here on our own soil after either being welcomed with open arms or simply exposed to the sickness of radical Continue reading

#GunVote 2016 – Get Involved

For Gun Owners, This Is The Most Important Election Ever

Of course, we all know by now that the democratic front-runner in the 2016 race for the office of the President of the United states has made gun control a major part of her platform, which includes vowing to attack gun rights on her first day in office if elected.  That is a given, since her name is on some of the worst Second Amendment-violating legislation in the United States from the last time she was in the White House.

However, following the passing of of Justice Antonin Scalia (often the deciding opinion on Second Amendment cases before the SCOTUS), the implications of this election go much further and will have much longer lasting repercussions.  Justice Scalia’s vacant seat will be filled by someone appointed by the president we elect in November.  With the balance of the Supreme Court at stake, this election will affect our constitutional rights.  It is crucial that all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters register to vote, become informed about candidates’ positions, and on Election Day, #GUNVOTE. Don’t risk your rights!


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NRA: Hypocrite Hillary Leaves You Defenseless

The National Rifle Association has really been nailing it with their television ads.  From their “Freedom’s Safest Place” spots to their latest one below, we like what they are doing.  This demonstrates why, although very important, joining the NRA isn’t enough; it is also important to support the NRA-PVF (Political Victory Fund) to make ads like this possible since general funds and membership dues can not be used for lobbying or political purposes.

She’s one of the wealthiest women in politics. Combined income: $30 million. Tours the world in private jets. Protected by armed guards for 30 years. But she doesn’t believe in your right to keep a gun at home for self-defense. She’s an out-of-touch hypocrite. And she’d leave you defenseless.

From My Cold, Dead iPhone

Apple Changes Gun Emoji from Revolver to Squirt Gun, Twitter Snubs Olympic Events, Microsoft Trades Space Gun for Revolver

iGunEmojiIn an apparent attempt at political correctness, Apple is trading in their six-shooter for a squirt gun in their latest update, which also includes a plethora of diversity-minded updates to the emoji set used on iPhones, iPads, iPods, and other Apple devices.

According to this week’s release from Apple, “[t]his exciting update brings more gender options to existing characters, including new female athletes and professionals, adds beautiful redesigns of popular emoji, a new rainbow flag and more family options.”  Thank goodness!  Our Apple devices were barely usable with their misogynistic, homophobic emojis full of hatred and violence and cartoon guns.   Continue reading

Branco: Warm Up Act (Overcoming that Pesky Constitution)

Branco takes on the cranky democrats’ temper tantrum on the House floor over their notion that the US government is not doing enough to abrogate the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights.

A.F. Branco – Warm-Up Act

A F Branco - Warm-up Act

Do We Really Have a Gun Problem? The Facts Don’t Lie.

Forget the Rhetoric.  Let’s Take a Look at the Cold, Hard Numbers

HomicideMortalityCDCEvery time some violent madman, such as the islamic terrorist who recently killed a club full of people in Orlando, happens to use a firearm to carry out their perverted mission, the anti-gun left intone their mantra of “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste” and spool up their rhetoric machine to incite fear and hand-wringing among the masses while they try to use emotion to push for new legislation.  “Something must be done about guns!,” they shout.  “Ban ‘assault rifles’!”  “We have a serious gun problem!”  But do we really?  The short answer is no, and here’s why…

People die.  That is how life works; it eventually draws to an end as the curtains close and we shuffle off this mortal coil.  When people die, it is from a variety of causes.  If you are into the macabre, try to catch some reruns of 1,000 Ways to Die – we will only be discussing this in the abstract.

FACT: More people have been shot and killed in Chicago so far this year than were killed by all types of rifles in all of 2014.   

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