
Miss Sloane: America Votes “NO” Once Again


misssloanefail“You can’t win them all,” as the old saying goes, but when it comes to the Second Amendment, gun control advocates can’t even come close. Such is clearly the case with Miss Sloane, the latest of Hollywood’s repeated attempts to push a gun control narrative on the American people.  Of course, they didn’t see this coming, any more than they saw a Donald Trump victory coming.  But that’s because they refuse to acknowledge the basic simple truth about the American people when it comes to our firearms freedom.  Well, we’ll say it again, the American people aren’t buying your anti-gun narrative.  

Miss Sloane features Jessica Chastain as a Washington lobbyist who takes on “the establishment” to push for passage of gun control in the U.S. Congress.  As reported by Stephen Gutowski at FreeBeacon, the “political thriller” opened last weekend to much buzz and fanfare among gun control groups, but tanked completely at the box office, making one industry list of the worst openings of the past 35 years for a movie with a national release.

Incredibly, Gutowski reports that a representative of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence actually said, “… I can tell you that its production alone, with our input, is the success.”  In other words, it is of little consequence that nobody wants to see a movie that pushes for gun control, its mere existence is what matters. 

This very telling admission provides great insight into the base motive and method of those in the gun control movement and their view of policy-making in the United States.  What the American people want is irrelevant, gun control elites know better, and they will continue to push their message through all available means.  They certainly have willing accomplices in the media and entertainment industry.

But we will warn those in the gun control movement not to take box-office losses lightly.  Because Hollywood does not.  Lest anyone forget, it is middle-America that provides the means which afford so many in the entertainment industry extraordinary wealth and lavish lifestyles.     Continue reading

SAF, CCRKBA Congratulate President-Elect Trump and Gun Owners Who Made Victory Possible

In a joint statement, the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms congratulated the nation’s gun owners for making possible Tuesday’s victory that will send Donald J. Trump to the White House in 2017.

SAF and CCRKBA also offer their sincere congratulations to President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence for their historic and stunning victory, and especially for Mr. Trump’s gracious call for unity among all Americans.

“What happened Tuesday night was a reaffirmation that Americans can make the system work, and that this nation’s gun owners are a cornerstone of that system,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It cannot be ignored that this nation’s tens of millions of honest firearms owners turned out to protect their constitutional rights. From the outset, Mr. Trump made it clear that the Second Amendment will be safe on his watch.

“While America’s hard-working gun owners can celebrate the victory they helped make possible,” added Gottlieb, who also chairs the CCRKBA, “we must remain mindful that the gun prohibition lobby, which is largely funded by elitist billionaires like Michael Bloomberg, will almost certainly double down on their efforts to erode our Second Amendment rights at the state level, whenever and wherever they can.

“Every gun owner owes a huge ‘Thank You’ to our good friends at the National Rifle Association for their efforts and expenditures to educate and guide voters,” Gottlieb noted.

NSSF Post-Election Day 2016 Statement

NSSF MemberThe National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, today congratulates President-Elect Donald Trump on his historic victory.

The American people have spoken. We have elected a president who has pledged to protect our Constitutional rights and a majority of both houses of Congress that will work to ensure that our individual right to keep and bear arms will be preserved.

The work of those who love liberty and our nation’s hunting and shooting traditions is never over. Americans need to remain involved to help ensure that the defense of our Second Amendment remains strong and the lawful commerce in firearms is protected at all levels of government.

We thank all those Americans who supported NSSF’s 2016 #GUNVOTE voter education and registration initiative. We know that we can count on you. You should know that we remain steadfast in our mission to help promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports.

Trump: The Official NRA Q&A


NRAvote_8673This year’s race for the White House is like no other in our history. Hillary Clinton has made it clear that, if elected, she will come after our firearm freedoms on her very first day in office. So it’s no exaggeration to say that the Second Amendment is on the ballot this November. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, to discuss our right to keep and bear arms and what’s at stake for America’s gun owners in this election.

Chris W. Cox: Mr. Trump, I’d like to begin with an issue of concern to many gun owners. In your 2000 book, The America We Deserve, you stated that while you oppose gun control, you support the federal ban on semi-automatic firearms—the so-called “assault weapons” ban—and also support a longer waiting period to purchase a firearm. During this election, however, you’ve repeatedly pointed out you oppose gun and magazine bans and only support background checks that are instant, accurate and fair. Would you say your position has evolved on these issues?

Donald J. Trump: Absolutely. Over the past 15 years I’ve learned a great deal about how we can protect the good people of this country from those who mean to do us harm. Gun control is not the answer—protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens is the answer. Furthermore, gun bans don’t work. Studies were done after the 1994 “assault weapons” ban expired. They clearly showed that the ban didn’t protect anyone, didn’t reduce crime. It just made it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves with the firearm of their choice. Like with all things, I believe in what works, and gun bans don’t work. I have two sons who don’t just believe in the Second Amendment, they live it. They hunt, target shoot, shoot competitively and carry firearms for personal protection. They’re NRA members, and so am I. I also have a concealed-carry permit. Our commitment to the Second Amendment is unshakable.

CWC: As you know, the future of our firearm freedoms hangs in the balance with the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia—the author of the Heller decision—which held that the Constitution guarantees the individual right to keep and bear arms. I have a couple of questions related to the Supreme Court, but first, do you agree that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to own and use firearms for lawful purposes? Continue reading

Branco: MSM Has Fingers Wedged in Hillary Clinton’s Cracks

Liberal “mainstream media” appear to be a modern-day version of Hans Brinker’s Hero of Haarlem.  Drip, drip, drip.

A.F. Branco: Damn! Put a plug in it. Wikileaks exposes Hillary Corruption.


Vote Now to Get the Second Amendment into the Debate Discussion

opendebate2aThe NRA-ILA is helping to spread the word about Americans’ opportunity to shape the direction of the 2016 Presidential Debates.

The Open Debate Coalition website allows users to vote for questions that are important to them and ABC and CNN debate moderators have agreed to consider the top 30 questions as chosen by voters for use in the Sunday, October 9, debate.

One of those questions, posed by Tim S., is gaining ground with nearly 20,000 votes.  Tim’s question reads “How will you ensure the 2nd amendment is protected?“.  The question follows up by noting that “[t]oo much crime is blamed on the tool, not the person. How will you protect law abiding citizens to protect themselves.

If you watched the first debate between Presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, you may have thought that the debate was a little lopsided in what many considered to be a 2-on-1 tag team match against one candidate.  This is the American people’s opportunity to have the candidates get to the point and talk about what matters.

VOTE NOW to take the Second Amendment question to the debate stage next Sunday and see where the candidates stand.  One candidate’s name is already on one of the most egregious abrogations of the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.  The other candidate’s official 2A platform plans to “defend the Second Amendment of our Constitution“, saying that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”  Trump’s specific plan includes “nominate United States Supreme Court justices that will abide by the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States,” “enforce the laws on the books,” “empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves,” and “defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners.”

Let’s put the question to them directly and see what they have to say about it.  And while you’re at it, don’t forget to Stand and Fight for Second Amendment rights by joining or renewing your NRA membership today.






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